BBC - Little Animals Activity Centre

I have been looking for some examples of childrens interactive stories online and I came across The Little Animals Activity Centre on the BBC's website.

The website has three stories which are basic Flash animations containing simple interactivity; mainly clicking on objects when prompted. The stories are clearly targeted at pre-school or lower primary school children.

click the link to visit the site and see the stories:

Interactive Narrative and Children

While I'm talking about the BBC I thought I'd include a bit about an article I read by Tom Kenyon who is a senior development producer for BBC Children’s Interactive. In the article he talks about the thinking behind the latest digital projects spanning online and television at BBC Children’s Interactive and interactive narrative and children.

"In this post I want to write about how we think when developing online stories for children and to introduce our latest projects.

The first and most important point is children’s audiences are different.

For a child all narrative is interactive: a story doesn’t stop because the book, film, TV show or comic has ended. They will take the characters and locations found in toys or engaging linear stories and expand them through play, using whatever means are at their disposal – be that a games console, a web site, a doll, a costume or even a broomstick and a cardboard box.

Children don’t discriminate between platforms. They expect to find brands they love on all the screens in their life. In fact, the more pervasive a brand is, the higher its perceived quality.

Part of Disney’s success comes through omnipresence. If I like High School Musical I can watch the show, I can play the game, I can wear the bag, hang the curtains, wear the pyjamas – I can define myself through merchandise as someone who likes HSM, all the while imagining that I’m part of Zac’s beautiful gang."

To read the full article visit:

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